APA format is a style of writing various types of research papers. This is usually the recommended method for penning papers involving subjects like social sciences. When you attempt to write a medical dissertation paper in this format, you have to fit your content as per this style guide. Your content must reflect the research question and also mention the works by other authors which you have taken as a source of reference.
As per the APA guidelines, your dissertation must be written in the present or past perfect tense. Moreover, you also cannot miss out on the date of publication which is extremely important and so it should be featured right next to the textual source. Any personal comments or observations that you make regarding any medical source must be done in the present tense.
It is extremely vital that the medical paper you write be free of any kinds of plagiarism. For this purpose, you need to acknowledge all of your sources with the help of in-text citations as well as page containing references. Direct quotations need to be placed within quotation marks or indented from the body of the main text. If you are paraphrasing the ideas of someone else, you need to use your own style of writing and change the language.
If you are using the words of someone else in your work, you should place them within quotation marks along with the name of the original author. Once you have done the first citation, you must cite the name of the writer in the text within parenthesis after the passage in question. It is imperative that the last name of the authors be used alongside the actual year of publication of the material.